Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Confusing Things in AJ

Hi, guys! Gowl20 here. Today I will be sharing a rather confusing thing in Animal Jam. And it has to do with pets. You're probably thinking, "well the pets are really very simple!" Think again. Now it is not all the pets that may confuse you, just some pets. This list includes the following: fox, penguin, lion, panda, and pig. All these have one thing in common. Of course there are more like this, too. But anyway, all of these have something in common. They are all also animals you can play as in the game! So you can have a bunny with a pet bunny. Or a turtle with a pet turtle! It is crazy. I mean human beings have pets like cats and dogs, but not other humans as pets! I have no idea why Animal Jam decided to do this. It makes no sense! But on the bright side, this is pretty cool. Make sure to post a comment if you enjoyed! Peace, hope, love, AJ!!!! 


  1. Good post! Would love to see an updated version for 2022.

  2. nice guide! would love an updated version in 2023!

  3. I am a kid who loves to do art and LOVES to play with critters!
